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What Is YOUR Highest Priority in Life?

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

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“If you cannot trust God with the physical, how dare you trust Him with the spiritual? Can you trust Him for your soul’s redemption, and yet not rely upon Him for a few lesser mercies?” – C.H. Spurgeon

What is the most valuable thing in life to you? Your health, your home, or your hobbies? Hopefully, something – or better yet, someone – is more important than those tangible but extremely temporal items.

Is it your wife, your kids, or your grandchildren? You’re getting closer. To me, aside from my own personal relationship with the Lord, my highest priority in life is the spiritual wellbeing on my immediate family members. In particular, my wife, our three adult children and their spouses, and our six precious grandkids.

That is why, when they were each only four years old, I led Bethany, Matthew, and Christopher to saving faith in Jesus Christ. It is also why I pray earnestly and often for the salvation of Brady, Sadie, Levi, Dylan, Bella, and Charlotte Grace.

Nothing – and I mean NOTHING – is more important than knowing that my immediate family members will join me in heaven someday. And so, if I can trust Jesus Christ to save and safekeep the souls of my dearest loved ones, why should I not also trust Him with my daily needs, my daily wants, and my daily trials?

Here is how Charles Spurgeon, the “Prince of Preachers,” put it…

“Is His heart faint? Is His arm weary? If so, seek another God; but if He is infinite, omnipotent, faithful, true, and all-wise, why do you run around seeking another confidence? Why do you scour the earth to find another foundation when this is strong enough to bear all the weight that you can ever build on it?”

“Christian, do not mix your wine with water; do not tarnish the gold of faith with the dross of human confidence. Wait only upon God, and let your expectation be from Him.”

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (BSB)

- Rev. Dale M. Glading, President

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