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Warm, Warmer... HOT!!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

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“In all our wanderings the watchful glance of the Eternal Watcher is constantly fixed upon us—we never roam beyond the Shepherd's eye.”– C.H. Spurgeon

“You’re getting warmer,” I told Dylan as he looked for the object I had hidden. “Warmer, warmer, now you’re hot!” That quickly, Dylan, our 5-year-old grandson found the item and it became his turn to hide it. On and on we went, taking turns as to who was the hider and who was the finder.

That is how any type of hide-and-seek game works, whether you are hiding an object or yourself. Sometimes it takes a matter of minutes to locate the hidden item or person, depending how well its’s hidden, and sometimes it only takes a few seconds.

But have you ever tried to play hide and seek with God? Talk about a mismatch! Because God never closes His eyes, He sees exactly where you (or the object) are hiding. And so, it’s “game over” before it even starts.

God’s omniscience (all-knowing) and His omnipresence (being everywhere at the same time) can be very comforting for a believer who is walking in close fellowship with Him. However, for an unbeliever or a backslidden Christian, knowing that God is aware of everything you do and everywhere you go can be unsettling to say the least.

For those in the first category, Charles Spurgeon offers these encouraging words…

“In our sorrows He observes us incessantly, and not a painful emotion escapes Him; in our toils He notices all our weariness, and He writes all the struggles of His faithful ones in His book. These thoughts of the Lord encompass us in all our paths and penetrate the innermost region of our being. Not a nerve or tissue, valve or vessel of our bodily frame is uncared for; all the details of our little world are thought upon by the great God.”

As for those in the second category, my advice is to trust Jesus as your Savior today and if you already have, get right with Him ASAP. After all, when we draw our last breath on earth and enter eternity, the last thing we want to hear is “You’re getting warmer, warmer, HOT!!!”

“Just as man is appointed to die once, and after that to face judgment…” Hebrews 9:27 (BSB)

- Rev. Dale M. Glading, President

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