The Teachers That Inspired Me the Most
Monday, July 10, 2023
"Great teachers are the ones who inspire you." – Martin Landau, American Actor (1928-2017)
In high school, I took as many history classes as possible while taking as few math classes as allowed. In fact, once I had passed Geometry and Algebra I and II, which was enough to get me into college, I didn’t sniff another math class at Pennsauken High School. For the record, I did have to take a Trigonometry and Pre-Calculus class at St. John’s University in my freshman year, but that was “one and done.”
Because I loved history so much, my favorite teachers were Miss Kwochka and Mrs. Willsey. Miss Kwochka taught my U.S. History class in 10th grade and Mrs. Willsey was my teacher for various U.S. and World History classes in 11th and 12th grades.
As far as “life teachers,” my best instructors have also been in areas that I enjoyed and naturally gravitated to. In the spiritual realm, people like Larry Lufburrow and Dave McMurray taught – and more importantly, modeled – sound Bible teaching and Christlike behavior. In politics, Ronald Reagan was my “mentor,” although I’m sure he had no clue as to the impact he had on my life. And in the world of sports, the way Jack Nicklaus balanced his unparalleled golf career and his family responsibilities made a deep impression on me.
There are some other people who I’ve yet to meet that have had a profound influence on my life. David, who was a “man after God’s own heart,” sits atop that list. I have been inspired by his whole-hearted devotion to God and his courage in battle. And yes, I have also been comforted by his failures as a king, a man, and a father… glaring character flaws that allow me to better identify with him. I also try to emulate Caleb’s dedication and determination, especially as I age, as well as Paul’s steadfastness in the face of all kinds of adversity. And yes, I have leaned many lessons in leadership from Nehemiah.
Of course, my first teacher was my dad, who taught me the value of hard work and the importance of a good name. Although he was as imperfect as me, being known as “Bill Glading’s son” opened some doors for me that otherwise would have remained closed.
Now, having raised our three children, one of my life goals is to be a good “teacher” for our six grandkids. My deepest prayer is that they will always see Jesus in me and come to know Him themselves.
“A good name is more desirable than great riches; favor is better than silver and gold.” Proverbs 22:1 (BSB)
- Rev. Dale M. Glading, President