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Paxlovid & Prayer

Friday, August 16, 2024

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“Why does the patient need to analyze all the medicine or estimate all the symptoms? This is the Physician's work, not mine; it is my business to trust, and His to prescribe. If He shall write His prescription in a fashion that I cannot read, I will not be uneasy on that account, but will rely upon His unfailing skill to make everything clear in the result, no matter how mysterious the process.” – C.H. Spurgeon

Last week, Deanna and I traveled to Pennsylvania to bury her dad, who passed away at age 88 after a long struggle with dementia. Deanna and her sister Jill flew up on Tuesday and were fortunate enough to arrive just 40 minutes before he went home to be with the Lord. Two of our children, Bethany and Chris, accompanied me on Thursday night and our son Matt flew up on Friday.

In order to save money, I used a free companion ticket for Chris and Delta Sky Miles points to cover Bethany’s fare (as well as Deanna’s return flight). However, doing so required leaving Melbourne FL in the evening, connecting in Atlanta after a two-hour layover, and arriving at BWI (Baltimore-Washington International Airport) around 12:30 AM. After claiming our bags and renting a car, we drove the remaining two hours to Fulton County PA and I finally laid my head on a pillow at 4:00 AM.

The next two days were a bit of a blur, with funeral arrangements being finalized and lots of quality time being spent with both immediate and extended family. “Pap’s” memorial service went off without a hitch and I was privileged to deliver some remarks at his graveside. After church on Sunday, we enjoyed a nice brunch before retracing our steps back home, arriving back in Vero Beach in the wee hours of Monday morning.

As grueling (and sleep-deprived) as our schedule was, it was only a matter of time before someone in our traveling party came down with something… and since germs often attack the “elderly”, guess who caught Covid, for the third time no less! Thankfully, Deanna was able to get hold of our doctor on Monday morning and by mid-afternoon, I already had my first dose of Paxlovid in my system.

Like I said, this wasn’t my “first rodeo” with Covid, having almost died from the deadly Delta variant in 2021 before contracting the much milder Omicron variant in 2022. This time around, my symptoms have been very similar to two years ago: one day with a high fever followed by a couple days of congestion, body aches, and fatigue. I am hoping and praying to be back in the pulpit on Sunday as long as I test negative, which I am confident I will.

Speaking of confidence, when Dr. Bloom called in my prescription, I didn’t question her decision for a minute. After all, she went to medical school and I didn’t. And so, I simply took my pills as directed and they seem to be working well.
As Charles Spurgeon points out in today’s quote, who are we, as the creation, to question God, who is the Creator? He made us and so, He knows how we work and what we need. Our job is simply to trust and obey.

Here is how the “Prince of Preachers” put it...

“Shall the architect explain his plans to every bricklayer on the job? If he knows his own intent, is it not enough? The pot upon the wheel cannot guess to what pattern it will be conformed, but if the potter understands his art, the ignorance of the clay is irrelevant. My Lord must not be cross-questioned any more by one so ignorant as I am.”

“But now, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.” Isaiah 64:8 (BSB)

- Rev. Dale M. Glading, President

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