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Dirt, Filth, & Grime

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

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“Oh, how matchless Your love when, in a moment, You washed my sins away and made my polluted soul, which was crimson with the blood of my nativity and black with the grime of my transgressions, to be white as the driven snow and pure as the finest wool.” – C.H. Spurgeon

Back in my prison ministry days, which lasted from 1987 to 2022, I played thousands of softball games in hundreds of different correctional institutions across North America. Whether it was a federal, state, or county facility, there was one thing that each game had in common: I got dirty!

Being an average athlete with a world-class competitive streak, I don’t think I ever played a single game where I didn’t dive for a ball and/or slide hard into a base. Usually, it was some (make that LOTS) of each.

As a result, I would come home wearing one of the dirtiest and grimiest uniforms you’ve ever seen… and it was my poor wife’s job to try to get the stains out before the next game. No sooner did Deanna get my uniform looking presentable, but I was back to my same old antics, diving and sliding again.

Sorry about that, Babe!

As Charles Spurgeon points out in today’s quote, sin had stained our souls so badly that it took the blood of Jesus to wash us clean. Yes, one drop from Calvary’s cross was powerful enough to transform our filthy souls from crimson red to cottony white. Hallelujah!

No laundry detergent known to man could ever come close to that. So, keep your Tide, Gain, All, and Arm & Hammer… and give me Jesus!

“Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the LORD, “Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool.” Isaiah 1:18 (NKJV)

- Rev. Dale M. Glading, President

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