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Are You a Human Do-er or a Human Be-ing?

Monday, May 13, 2024

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“Mary was not praised for sitting still, but for her sitting at Jesus' feet.” – C.H. Spurgeon

Are you a Martha or a Mary? In other words, are you a doer or a relational being? Are you action- oriented or do you thrive on the emotional level?

Truth be told, no one is entirely one or the other, but I do think we have certain tendencies when it comes to how we interact with God and others. For instance, it is much easier for me launch into action when I hear about a need than to quietly and patiently pray about it. My “modus operandi” is to see a problem, develop a strategy for solving that problem, and then move on to the next challenge. It’s as if I begin each day with a mental and spiritual checklist that I want to accomplish for God’s glory and the furtherance of His kingdom. The only problem with that mindset is that sometimes – just like Martha – I forget to include God Himself in the equation.

Fortunately, I am married to a “Mary”. Deanna is far more caring and sensitive to the needs of others than I am and so, I guess we make a good team. I encourage her to take risks and forge ahead… and she reminds me to slow down and smell the roses.

Here is how Charles Spurgeon, the “Prince of Preachers,” described the necessary balance between “sitting and striving”…

“Even so, Christians are not to be praised for neglecting duties under the pretense of having secret fellowship with Jesus: It is not sitting, but sitting at Jesus' feet that is commendable. Do not think that activity is in itself an evil: It is a great blessing and a means of grace to us. Paul called it a grace given to him to be allowed to preach; and every form of Christian service may become a personal blessing to those engaged in it. Those who have most fellowship with Christ are not recluses or hermits, who have time on their hands, but tireless workers who are toiling for Jesus and who, in their endeavor, have Him side by side with them, so that they are workers together with God.”

Makes sense to me. Now if only I could put it into practice on a regular basis!

“And Jesus answered and said to her, ‘Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.’” Luke 10:41-42 (NKJV)

- Rev. Dale M. Glading, President

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